HORD 2021 @ MAPS Air Museum
Presented By Ohio Robot Club
Akron, OH, US
September 18 - September 17, 2021
Event Information
Organizer: |
Ohio Robot Club |
Location: |
Akron, OH US Get Directions |
Starts: | Sep 18, 2021 |
Ends: | Sep 17, 2021 |
Robot Classes / Competitions
Category | Robot Class | Maximum Capacity |
Currently Registered |
Waiting List |
Entry Fee |
Pit Crew Allowed |
Combat | 150 g - Fairyweight | 8 | 9 Robots | None | 20.00 USD | Unlimited |
Combat | 1 lb - Antweight | 8 | 8 Robots | None | 20.00 USD | Unlimited |
Combat | 3 lb - Beetleweight | 8 | 9 Robots | None | 20.00 USD | Unlimited |
Explore Who Competed
Event Description
Update 08/24/21 All classes are currently over booked. This was done intentionally to account for expected last minute drops and no shows. In the unlikely event registration drops below 24 bots, slots will be made available on a first come first serve basis. Update 07/31/21 Ant weight and Beetle weight brackets are full, and fairy weights currently have 5 slots left. Due to numerous request for ant and beetle slots, at ~6:00pm Friday August 6th any open fairy slots will be reallocated to to ants and beetles. Registration will be first come first served. ORC is pleased to announce that this year’s House of Robotic Destruction will be held at the Military Aviation Preservation Society’s (MAPS) Air Museum at Akron-Canton airport. MAPS is graciously allowing us to setup our arena in the main hanger surrounded by vintage military aircraft, pits will be one of the back rooms. MAPS will be using our event as a value-added attraction to promote their museum and hopefully generate some extra ticket revenue. Help us help them by spreading the word and demonstrating good sportsmanship and good showmanship. Schedule (all times are tentative and subject to change as needed) Friday (09/17) Setup and early bird check in 8:00-10:00pm Saturday (09/18) Check and Safety; 7:00am - 9:00am Drivers Meeting; 9:00am – 9:30am Fight Session 1; 9:30am – 11:301m Break; 11:30am - noon Fight Session 2; noon - 3:00pm Clean Up; 3:00pm – 4:00pm Awards; 4:00pm-4:30pm If possible, please plan on arrive Friday even for early check in and help setting up. Otherwise, please arrive at 7:00am with robots ready to safety and paperwork complete and ready to turn in. We plan on having a small test box so we can safety two robots at a time. Pit space will be limited so teams with only one robot will have to share a table with another team. We absolutely must be out of the room by 4:30pm. Based on the number of robots expected and the time allotted we will need to average about one fight every 5 minutes this will require everyone doing their very best to be ready for their next fight and to load and unload the arena as quickly as possible. Help setting up and tearing down the arena will be greatly appreciated. Registration fees for this event will be $20 per robot. Fees can be paid via paypal through the builders’ database or by personal check via US mail. To pay by check contact the registration coordinator for instructions. Fees must be received by September 4th. Fees are non-refundable after September 11th. If you have registered but cannot attend for any reason, please contact the registration coordinator. Teams will also need to fill out a MC Cue Card for each robot and email the completed file by September 4th so they can be printed on standard form. The cue cards will be used by the MC to introduce you and your robot and should include a number of interesting factoids. Teams that fail to provide interesting factoids will have alternate factoids assigned to them. Teams will need to fill out the ORC Safety Form for each robot attending and all [human] team members that will be in the pit area must complete a Release Form. Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult who must remain on-site with them throughout the event. If the supervising adult is not a legal parent or guardian, please contact registration for special instructions. Bring all completed forms with you to the event. All forms can be found on the event page on the ORC website. #8195; Participant Passes All HORD participants over 6 years old will require a MAPS day pass. These are normally $10, but MAPS is giving us a special group rate of $5 per person. Arena Matches will run in the ORC 8’ x 8’ octagonal arena and will be 3 minutes long. 1-1/2 minutes into the match one 14" x 14" pit will open. Rule set ORC uses a slightly modified version of the SPARC.tool standard rule set. Please review the rule documents on the ORC website. Tournament Structure Classes with 6 or more robots will fight a modified double elimination. Due to time constraints, the final round will be single elimination; if the winner's bracket finalist is beat by the loser's bracket finalist there will not be a rematch. Weight classes with 5 or less robots will fight round robin. Rumbles will be held if there is sufficient time interest. Builders’ whose robots have been eliminated are encouraged to stay for rumbles. Lunch There are no food vendors on site or nearby. Participants are strongly urged to bring a sack lunch. If you need to send someone out for food, please make sure at least one person from your team remains on site. Prizes and awards ORC has a number of sponsors that provide a variety of robot related merchandise for prizes. Prizes and trophies will be awarded to the top finishers in each weight class and winners of any rumbles that are held. In addition, prizes may be offered to winners of special award categories at the discretion of the judge. Special awards may include; Big Hitter; robot/driver that demonstrators exceptional weapon hits for its weight class. Best Death Scene; robot/driver that suffers a spectacular knockout blow. Excellence in driver; robot/driver that shows exceptional control and/or strategy Rookie of the Year; Best first time driver in a weight class. (special awards are generally given to non-top finishers and one per driver) Award winning drivers will be allowed to choose a prize from the prize table in the following order; tournament top finishers largest weight class to smallest weight class, rumble winners largest weight class to smallest weight class, then special awards. #8195; About MAPS The Military Aviation Preservation Society (DBA MAPS Air Museum) is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating people about the history of aviation and its impact upon society. It accomplishes this mission by acquiring, restoring, preserving, studying and exhibiting the impact of aviation on the culture of man. Founded in 1990, the Military Aviation Preservation Society (MAPS) is the nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational and fundraising organization that supports the Museum. With nearly 1,100 dues-paying members, the organization is financially self-supporting through various revenue-generating operations such as; admission fees, special events, sales in the Gift Shop and donations. Address 2260 International Pkwy North Canton, OH 44720Other Events by Ohio Robot Club
The information displayed on this page was written and is managed by Ohio Robot Club.