
3 lb - Beetleweight --- Combat

Capybara Biggus Piggus Robotics - London, Ontario CA

Robot Specs

Team Capybara Biggus Piggus Robotics
Class 3 lb - Beetleweight
Category Combat
Primary Weapon Saw
Secondary Weapon a carb heavy diet
Weapon Power Electric
Drive Power Electric
Radio Type Oldass T6A
Strategy Put on highlight reel fights

6 Events Attended

Event Date Location
BotBrawl Event #16 - CNE 2024 Aug 30, 2024 Etobicoke, Ontario, CA
BotBrawl Event #15 - Anime North 2024 May 25, 2024 Etobicoke, ON, CA
BotBrawl Event #14 - Robodrome Rumble Nov 25, 2023 Hamilton, Ontario, CA
BotBrawl Event #12 - Anime North May 27, 2023 Etobicoke, ON, CA
BotBrawl Invitational Sep 1, 2022 Toronto, ON, CA
BotBrawl Event #11 Aug 26, 2022 Toronto, ON, CA

Team Members

Autumn Lesco
Allison Yuen
Thomas Steele
Legend + Crowd Control

Paige Roy
Elizabeth Malette
Kewl people Crew

Veronica Trendov
The Brains

Janika Sabine
The Bald