Wisconsin Robotic Combat September 2021
Presented By Betz Botz
1245 N Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 53202
September 26, 2021
Event Information
Organizer: |
Betz Botz |
Location: |
1245 N Broadway, Milwaukee WI 53202 Get Directions |
Starts: | Sep 26, 2021 |
Ends: | Sep 26, 2021 |
Robot Classes / Competitions
Category | Robot Class | Maximum Capacity |
Currently Registered |
Waiting List |
Entry Fee |
Pit Crew Allowed |
Combat | 1 lb - Antweight | 18 | 15 Robots | None | 30.00 USD | Unlimited |
Combat | Plastic Ant | 8 | 3 Robots | None | 0.00 USD | Unlimited |
Combat | 3 lb - Beetleweight | 14 | 9 Robots | None | 30.00 USD | Unlimited |
Explore Who Competed
Event Description
IMPORTANT COVID-19 UPDATE: The partnership between MSOE and the Milwaukee Makerfaire has caused a policy that to attend the event you must have a negative COVID-19 test within 3 days of the event OR be vaccinated for COVID-19. This policy applies to anyone over 12yrs of age or older. Masks will also be required for anyone 2yrs of age or older regardless of vaccination status. I know these policies are inconvenient for some of you, but it's a very large event and they're just trying their best. For any questions related to this you're probably better off contacting the Milwaukee Makerfaire. WRC is back for our second event! The first one was about as successful as it could have been for being my first event and held out of a garage, but I can say with certainty this event will be much more streamlined. We’re building a new arena that isn’t a shelf found on the side of the road too! The fundraising link for that is here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/wisconsin-robotic-combat-beetleweight-arena Event details: This could change depending on the Makerfaire but here’s the current schedule plan. The time slot for spectators is 10:00am-3:00pm. Before this time you will need to get a wristband and sign the Makerfaire's release form along with WRC's release form. If you're a minor, a parent or guardian will need to sign. 8:00am-9:45am - Setup and check-in 9:45am-10:00am - Driver’s meeting and first fight queueing 10:00am-2:00pm - Main fights 2:00pm-3:00pm - Finals, plastic ant demos, rumbles 3:00pm-4:00pm - Awards and cleanup (Hard cutoff of 10:00pm on Sunday night, so takedown is not an issue.) The event is being held at MSOE’s Kern Center which is being opened up for this event through the Milwaukee Makerfaire: https://milwaukee.makerfaire.com From my understanding we’ll be right next to the FIRST Robotics kids to completely steal the show. Competition details: We all know that "Just 5 more minutes!" means your robot is in four pieces. I will try to be as reasonable as I can with delays and repair times early in the tournament, but I can only guarantee 20mins and one potentially short delay past that. Last event we had some issues with 45min+ repair times and the 20min rule wasn’t enforced because we wanted good finals fights. I will forfeit people this time because this is an event with spectators and a 5hr time slot. It’s not my fault if you don’t design a combat robot of all things for serviceability. :P Arena: Wood floor, thin steel kickplates which could end up being ablative, and a lipped pushout so a deliberate push is required for a win. 8’ x 6’ x 4’ box. Open ant, plastic ant, and beetle operate under the SPARC ruleset. For the plastic class I think cardboard is a fair addition to the traditional PET, PETG, ABS, PLA, or PLA+ and I will allow it. An important note about unsticks because of a particular antweight: If you embed yourself in the arena, aka become immobile by causing damage to something that should be assumed indestructible, you are granted one unstick per match. This is different from getting propped up against a wall, doing the thing, or becoming stuck on a piece of debris from another robot. If a piece of debris detaches from the arena during a fight and causes you to get stuck, you are allowed one unstick because this wouldn’t have happened with an indestructible arena. Open Ant: Double elimination tournament with 2 minute fights. https://challonge.com/WRCseptember2021OpenAnt Beetle: Double elimination tournament with 2 minute fights. https://challonge.com/WRCseptember2021Beetle Plastic Ant: We’re just demoing plastic ants in the hope to run a two day event next year with 150g and plastic ant on day one for the local builders. These are here to put on a show and fill space as the tournament winds down so people have time to rebuild. If we get all 8 spots filled I’ll have 4 fight card style fights set up. These will be handpicked, 3 minute matches for the best fights possible. I would also encourage builders to have their plastic ants ready to go on display up front; if someone is willing to talk about the 3D printing in said robots we can connect with a huge group of potential builders at the Makerfaire. Please email me with any questions. I hope to see you there! Livestream: https://www.twitch.tv/wisconsinroboticcombat Discord server: https://discord.gg/hzvM5zQURgOther Events by Betz Botz
The information displayed on this page was written and is managed by Betz Botz.